Hours of Business
We understand that it is difficult for clients to sometimes be available during the day due to school/ college or work commitments. We are therefore open from:
Monday-Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm
And also Sundays 9am - 6pm (on an occasional basis)
Once an assessment has been agreed (with a set date for the first assessment provided) we ask for an initial non-refundable payment of £60 to cover administration and room booking costs.
The remaining payments for Learning Directions assessments can be made either in advance or on the day of the final feedback session/ consultation by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
Please note that invoices are to be settled within 7 days from the date of issue stated in the invoice. Interest may be charged for late payments of invoices.
Cancellation Policy
Appointments that are missed (not attended) or cancelled less than 48 hours before the set appointment, will incur a cost of £18 per hour. Cancellations more than 48 hours in advance of the set appointment will be re-arranged to a mutually agreed date.
We will provide you with as much notice as possible if we need to cancel/
reschedule one of your appointments.
Arrival and late attendance
We regret that we can not make up (missed) time if the client is late for the appointment. The additional time for the assessment would then need to be included as extra time at the next session (if possible). This might incur additional costs.
If clients wish to arrive earlier than their appointment time, there is a waiting room/ seating area near the front reception desk.
All Learning Directions reports will be completed within a 6 week period (maximum). Two hard copies of the report will be provided to the client at the final feedback session.
All therapeutic and business contracts between clients and associates at Learning Directions will be protected by rigid and secure boundaries of confidentiality.
Learning Directions associates hold all recorded client information securely and will ensure the utmost confidentiality in the treatment of any such information.
Learning Directions associates abide by the boundaries of confidentiality as outlined within the Code of Ethics of the British Psychological Society and the Data Protection Act 1998.
Any disclosure to third parties of client information will only occur with the prior informed consent of the client. Within therapeutic contracts the boundary of confidentiality may be broken without client consent should the associate consider a client to be at risk of harming themselves or others or if the associate was liable to civil or criminal court proceedings in not disclosing information.
Boundaries of confidentiality will be discussed, by Learning Directions associates with clients, further to the onset of all therapeutic sessions.
Anti-discrimination policy
Learning Directions values difference and diversity and does not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, sexual preference or orientation, marital status, religion, race, colour, national origin, disability, heritage or political belief.
Complaints procedures
All our associates are subject to the complaints procedures of their respective professional governing organisations. Please contact us for such relevant information.
Please see our fees page