The Learning Profile & Career Assessment
Between 15 years and young adulthood individuals have to make a series of important and possibly life changing decisions including subjects to study, courses and career choices. These vital choices are often made with insufficient information. Learning Directions can offer expertise and direction during these times of transition. We can provide a comprehensive psychological based profile to make an individual more aware of their strengths, interests and possible future options. University education is an expensive investment and so it is vital that individuals choose a course that best matches their learning style, cognitive abilities, motivations and interests.
For students who are currently at University or College the Learning Profile Assessment will help them to move from Education to a career or vocation that best matches their skills, interests, abilities and earning potential. Some of the assessments on offer by other independent career specialists involve only assessing an individual's interests and/or cognitive skills. At Learning Directions we are interested in combining some of the key factors and processes involved in the learning process. This will help individuals to fully understand their strengths, skills, strategies and the factors that support and/or hinder their learning.
The Learning Profile Assessment includes an individual’s interests and aptitude for future career and vocational paths using the Morrisby Profile. Whilst this assessment can be done via the Morrisby organisation, we believe that it is extremely beneficial for us to observe and analyse the individual during the assessment in order to assess their problem-solving techniques, attitudes to assessment and anxiety levels. Learning Directions will also provide comprehensive feedback from a trained psychologist.
Some individuals will benefit from a more comprehensive learning profile assessment to supplement the Morrisby Profile with further assessments which may include self-concept, self-esteem, memory skills, learning style, use of learning strategies, motivation and self-regulation in relation to learning.
The Learning Profile & Career Assessment is suitable for those:
l having difficulty considering long term goals
l unsure of career directions
l struggling with their learning & not achieving their potential
l lacking concentration and focus
l lacking confidence in their abilities
l displaying underdeveloped learning habits and study strategies
l wishing to understand their cognitive and learning strengths

We provide two Learning Profile and Career Assessments
Package 1 - The Standard Learning Profile Assessment
This assessment process is conducted over two sessions. It includes an assessment of the individual’s aptitudes and interests (using the Morrisby Profile), without further assessment of other skills and strategy use.
Session 1: Is undertaken as a group session (approximately 3 hours in length) and includes assessment of an individual’s aptitudes and interests (using the Morrisby Profile). All individuals who attend the session will be asked to fill in an interest’s questionnaire prior to this session.
Session 2: Involves a comprehensive and detailed individual feedback session and tailored personalised report which include the Morrisby Profile results and carefully chosen career suggestions.
Package 2 - The comprehensive Learning Profile Assessment
This assessment process is conducted over three sessions. It includes assessment of an individual’s aptitudes and interests (using the Morrisby Profile) plus, as required, assessments of their learning style, self-concept, self-esteem, working memory skills, motivations, use of learning strategies and self-regulation of learning strategies.
Session 1: Is undertaken as a group session (approximately 3 hours in length) and includes assessment of an individual’s aptitudes and interests (using the Morrisby Profile). All individuals who attend the session will be asked to fill in an interest’s questionnaire prior to this session.
Session 2: Is undertaken as an individual session (approximately 2- 2.5 hours in length) and includes assessment of the individual’s learning style, self-concept/ self-esteem, working memory skills, motivations, use of learning strategies and self-regulation of learning strategies.
Session 3: Involves a comprehensive and detailed individual feedback session and tailored personalised reports which include the Morrisby Profile results and carefully chosen career suggestions together with an overview of the individual’s learning profile results and recommendations and strategies for developing their learning further.